Townlands & Their Meanings, Ballycroy in Co. Mayo

The most likely meaning of the word Ballycroy is probably an anglicised version of Baile Fhíodh Cruaiche when translated means the "town (baile) of the wood of the reek ".

There is a tradition of the existence of Ulster migrants. One of them, named Cleary, returned to the North and some forty years later revisited Ballycroy to discover that much of the wood had disappeared.

He was possibly referring to the Doona/Fahy district as he mentions that the sea had encroached on much of the lands in the above townlands during his absence.

The trunks and roots remains are still to be seen. The locals found much use for trees buried beneath bog were discovered by the absence of dew on the surface.

In the following pages I am giving a brief description of each townland in alphabetical order as valued by Griffith between 1848 and 1865. Land was given a value depending on its size, fertility and access to seaweed as a fertiliser, its market potential, plus other factors and has remained largely unchanged to this day and was basis for assessment for rates until some years age when it was proved unconstitutional and, therefore had to be dropped as means of such assessment.

The number of houses which I give are for the same time, they being valued according to size. The average valuation for a house varied from 12/- to 4/-.

written by Martin Costello, NT

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